Johan Michael Harman 6th Generation
Generation No. 6
25. James6 Harman (Stephen5, Israel4, Jacob3, Jacob2, Johan Michael1 Hermann) was born September 29, 1801 in Boonsborough, Ky, and died September 14, 1851 in Auburn, Ca.. He married Mary Ann Blanks Smithson December 25, 1828 in Pendleton, Anderson, So. Carolina, daughter of Bartlett Smithson and Sarah Weatherford. She was born December 25, 1808 in Pendleton, So. Carolina, and died January 25, 1897 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Notes for James Harman:
BLM records, document Nos. 31290, 88, 28025. James Harman purchased 40 acres sole owner, and 80 acres in common with Jonathan T. (Taylor) Harman, next to Stephen Harman's property in Monroe Co., Mississippi on February 27, 1841. He purchased an additional 80 acres there on September 10, 1844. His brothers-in-law John Smithson and William C. Smithson purchased as neighbors to James as well. The Harman property in Aberdeen, Mississippi was on near Chicasaw lands, and about 25 miles from Sulligent, Alabama where the Smithson family apparently lived.
James Harman appears in the 1840 Census for Monroe County. Total 4 persons,(1 in agriculture). Two females under the age of 10.
James joined the Mormon Church, probably in 184l. In the years between 1843 and 1846 he made several trips to Nauvoo, Illinois, to work on the building of the Mormon temple there. He was "Washed and Annointed" December 16, 1845. Some of this time verified (by John Brown's diary) from March 14, 1845, returned to Mississippi, June 3, 1845. An account with Nauvoo House for 63 days work between July 1st and September 16, verifies additional time there. He purchased shirting, India Rubbers, melons, shoes, molasses, satinette and thread, buttons and lining, for $6.32 between August 12 and October 9th 1845. The Journal of Louisa Barnes Pratt, wife of Addison Pratt, (Vol. 8, pg 233) states that when Addison Pratt had been sent from Nauvoo on a mission, leaving Louisa and her four children destitute, James Harmon, a southern brother, in passing by her door, gave her a silver dollar, saying "I am going across the river to be gone several days; something may prevent my return. Keep that in remembrance of me.....I went to the store and purchased the articles I very much needed."
On April 8, 1846 he left Mississippi, with his wife and four of his five children, along with others of the same faith, including three Smithson brothers-in-law and under the leadership of another brother-in-law, William Crosby married to his sister Sarah), to join the larger contingent of Mormons gathering to move west . Still other members of that group were four sisters of William Crosby, married to John Brown, (the missionary who converted them to Mormonism), William Harvey Lay, Daniel Porter and John Bankhead.
He arrived in Fort Pueblo, Colorado on August 7, 1846 with the other "Mississippi Saints." Not more than two weeks later word came from Bent's Fort, 80 miles below Pueblo on the Arkansas River, that Brigadier General Stephen W. Kearney's army, who were en route to New Mexico to wrest that area from Mexican forces, were in need of a blacksmith. William Kartchner and James Harmon were sent. It is not known how long James stayed at Fort Bent before returning to Pueblo. He was a gunsmith as well as a blacksmith, and was particularly known for his hunting skills. He must have been a man of unusually large stature, because he was known as 'long legs' in recognition of his appearance on horseback. He was known as a 'superb' horseman.
A sixth child, John Taylor Harman, was born in Pueblo on April 6, 1847 Less than two months later the family began the walk to Salt Lake City, arriving on July 29, 1847.
It is possible that at this time he became acquainted with Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, son of Sacajawea, and Toussaint Charbonneau, guide to Lewis and Clark, who had been hired as a guide for the forces under General Kearney, and was at Bent's Fort at that time. Later, when James Harman and his wife established their gold claim and Homestead House in Auburn, California, Jean Baptiste Charbonneau lived at an Inn at Murder's Bar, some five miles from the Harman home, which was owned (see Kenneth Davies, Mormon Gold pps. 115 - 120) by Orrin Porter Rockwell, sometimes reputed to be bodyguard to Brigham Young. Charbonneau served as deputy surveyor for Placer County in 1851,52, and later was Manager of several hotels in and around Auburn, finally leaving the area in 1866.
Upon arrival in Utah the Harmans stayed at Pioneer Square (present-day Temple Square, Salt Lake City) where James set up a blacksmith shop with Dimick Huntington. Dimick Huntington was a membr of the Mormon Battalion whose wife had accomapanied him to Fort Bent, where some of the soldiers had sickened, and were sent back to Pueblo to winter with the Mississippi Saints. During the stay in Pueblo Dimick Huntington's wife gave birth to a child who lived only a few days. Mary Ann Harman had cared for Mrs. Huntington and her child until her own son John Taylor Harman was born in April.
If the testimony of Ira Winters, son of James's daughter, Sarah, is accepted, after a little more than a year, in 1849, (James left Utah), and traversed the Mojave Desert with a group of Mississippi Saints who were settled in Cottonwood (later Holladay) comprised of the Smithsons and Holladays and their families, those who were part of the "Mississippi Saints". They had been been sent to San Bernardino, to establish a colony there. See article by Mrs. Thurlow Douglas for Nevada State Journal, December 28, 1941. From San Bernardino, the Harmans left the Smithsons and traveled up the Central Valley of California to Auburn, California, where he mined a gold claim and his wife ran a hotel, known as Homestead House or Harman House on Harman Hill also known as Crooks Ravine. Or: (another version) somewhere in California they met with Jean Baptist Charbonneau, whom James had met in Fort Bent, and he traveled to Auburn in the company of this man, (see above). There the Threlkills and Crows and Matthews, also Mississippi Saints from Monroe County, Mississippi, were their neighbors at a nearby hotel and mining claim in Long Valley. This residence is presently (1999) owned and occupied by a Rhodes family. The cemetery there was the burial place for Threlkills, Crows, Van Ripers (Mormon Battalion) and Levi Runyan (Mormon Battalion), and nine infants.
Descendants of Allen Freeman Smithson have written that Allen did not leave Salt Lake City for San Bernardino settlement until March 11, 1851, with Jefferson Hunt as leader. If this date is correct then James Harman left well before the San Berdardino settlement and against the orders of Brigham Young, with the purpose of of mining for gold, not settling a Mormon community in California. The date 1849, as stated by Ira Winters, is probably correct, but James must have left Utah with the Threlkills and Crows, and not with the Smithsons, as the Smithsons left in March, 1851.
There is no verified evidence that James brought slaves with him to Utah or to California, but in the 1850 Census of miners in the Auburn California area, there is a 19-year old black man called 'Harman' (no other name) who had a mining claim near James' claim. According to Joannette Black, great great grand
daughter of James Harman, letters and reports of Mormon missionaries, now in the church archives, mention that the Harman household at Auburn included two negroes, a man who was called Harman and a small boy. These two individuals were not the two who were bequeathed to James by his father's estate, as his father died in February, 1850, and James would not have had them until a later date. They may have belonged to Mary Ann Smithson Harman.
In 1851, following the death of his father Stephen, he returned to Mississippi to settle business affairs and to fetch his oldest daughter, who had been left there with relatives since 1846. He signed receipt for his share of partial distribution of his father's estate in April 15th, 1851. The receipt was for two negro slaves: 1 boy, Sam, valued at $500.00 and 1 boy, Nathan, valued at $1000.00. Since the total for these two individuals was $1500.00 and couldn't be divided, and was $52.51 more than the total valuation of one ninth of all 22 slaves ( in the estate of his father, Stephen) he paid in cash $52.75 to the Administrator, his brother, Stephen A. Harman. These two men had been sold, along with Stephen Harman's other slaves, at public auction authorized by the court, on January 30, 1851, at the home of the former owner. See Probate Packet 431, Aberdeen Court House, Monroe Co., Mississippi.
Another note here may be of interest: When James' mother, Lucy Joslin Harman died in 1866, after the Civil War, inventory of her estate showed $70.00 in gold as a part of her personal estate.
On his return trip, he crossed the Isthmus of Panama, where he contracted a fever, possibly Yellow Fever, which was particularly severe that year. He returned to California in August of 1851. On September 8, 1851, he died of that fever. He was buried on his home property. There is a photograph of his tombstone in the Archives Collection at the Placer County Museum, in Auburn California. The photograph was taken in 1962. At that time some remnants of Harman House were still visible at Harman Hill. The notation with the photograph indicates that there were three additional graves; two unmarked, and one for John Smith, died Aug 4, 1851. The graves were destroyed and the markers removed before 1998 by which time a subdivision called Vintage Oaks was built at that site.
This has nothing to do with genealogy - When I visited the area during the Winter of 1999, in order to get a picture of the place where James Harman's home was built, I was informed that a small park recently had been built in the area where there earlier had been a pear orchard planted. I took a picture of the English Walnut, the Fig Tree, and the Lilacs which had been there since it was homesteaded, then headed toward the pear orchard - park. A few yards down the rather overgrown trail I encountered a sign saying "Warning! Mountain Lion Habitat - Proceed at your own risk". I had only a camera which doesn't make much noise, and since I remembered that it was very close to there that a runner recently met her demise, when she was attacked and chewed by a Mountain Lion, I decided to explore the old pear orchard another time.
Notes for Mary Ann Blanks Smithson:
A great deal has already been written about Mary Ann Smithson Harman. Mary Ann, her husband James Harman, and four of her five children left Aberdeen, Monroe County Mississippi with a group of about 150 other individuals for the LDS emigration in 1846. They wintered in Fort Pueblo, Colorado where Mary Ann gave birth to her youngest son, John Taylor Harman in Spring of 1847. They arrived in Salt Lake City in July, 1847, a few days after Brigham Young and the main contingent of emigres. Her youngest son was not more that three months old. She and her husband, James Harman, along with Dimick Huntington, set up a blacksmith shop near what is now Temple Square in Salt Lake City. According to Kenneth Davies, in his book, Mormon Gold, Mary Ann and her family left for the California gold fields in 1849. They settled in Long Valley just inside what is now the city limits of Auburn California. Mary Ann opened a Hotel called Homestead House or Harman House near other Mormon Argonauts, the Matthews, Threllkills and Crows. The area also was sometimes called Crooks Ravine. James mined for gold. James returned to Mississippi, in 1851, to fetch his oldest daughter, Mary Eliza, who had remained there when the family left in 1846, and to help settle the estate of his father, Stephen Harman, who had died in February, 1850. He returned to California by way of the Isthmus of Panama, where he became ill. He survived until September 8th. He was buried in Auburn. Ca.
Three months later, on December 11, 1851, Mary Ann's daughter, Paralee America Harman, born 1835 in Monroe County, Mississippi, was married to one Samuel Garn, who signed the below pre-emptive Homestead Claim on the 320 acres near Auburn. It is probable that Paralee America stayed with her mother and siblings until a later date, as her first child was born in Utah, in 1860.
On February 26, 1852, there was recorded a premptive homestead claim for Harman and Garn, on 320 acres located near the Sacramento City Road. The record for the claim is listed in Book A., page 45, for Land Claims, Placer County, 1852. It is on page 143 of the index. The Deed Book A., is missing from the Placer County Archives.
In Book C. pps 345, 346, for September 16, 1857, Mary A. Harman Widow of the late James Harman, deceased, grantor, transfers her 320 acres recorded above, to Perry Kelly and William Duncan for the sum of $1500.00. The description of the property refers to the pre-emptive claim above, and includes mention of a boundary stake for a pre-emptive claim of Robert Crow and George Thrailkill. (Thus, they were neighbors). This second, Grantor deed, states that the pre-emptive claim of 1852 was in the names of Mary A. Harman and Samuel Garn, surveyed February 25, 1852 by James Stratton. The land was sold together with all hereditaments, apppurtenances, rents, issue and profits, estate right, title, interest claim, and demand whatsoever. The sale was made without the signature of Samuel Garn, so it might be assumed that Mary Ann and her son-in-law Samuel Garn settled their mutual interests before 1857, although such a record cannot be found. The original document of this transaction may be in a manner of a marriage contract as was customary in both Harman and Smithson families.
Mary Ann Harman was assessed as follows:
1853 - $2,000 House and Stock
1854 - $2500, state tax $15.00, county tax, $20.00.
April 3, 1955 - assessment $1000, Homestead, Old Sac City Road.
1857 - Mrs. Mary Harman - near Auburn, Homestead, $790 total value of property, $1,000 exempt. Total $2790 = exempted by statute $2,000.
Entry below Mary Ann was Mary Eliza Harman - near Auburn $590.00, stock.
The above exemption was most likely the Statutory allowance for the first five years of homesteading, as she filed in 1852.
Mary Ann remained at Homestead House until September, 1857, when she went to Genoa, Nevada, (Carson Valley). There she raised cattle, as well as various vegetables, and made butter and cheese which were sold to those who were passing across the Sierra Nevada Mountains along the Emigrant Trail into California. According to the article about her grandson, Ira Winters, she occupied the home and lands being vacated by "Jim Garns" who being one of the original settlers of the valley, was returning to Utah at the call of Brigham Young. Possible relationship between Samuel Garns, whose name appears on the original homestead claim, along with Mary Ann, and Jim Garns, whose home she occupied later in Carson Valley, Nevada, and who married her daughter, Paralee America Harman may be that of father and son or it may be the same individual.
Thompson and West in their History of Nevada, 1881, list Mrs. Harmon, her sons, John and James, and her daughters Sarah, Eliza and Josephine as some of the first permanent settlers in Ormsby County, 1857. See page 531
Additional information to ponder: Other "first settlers" at Mormon Station, renamed Genoa, later Franktown, and surrounding area, Eagle Valley, Washoe Valley, Carson Valley, came mostly from Davis County, in Utah, under the leadership of Orson Hyde, were Aaron Cherry (from Centerville), Chester Loveland (who later became first mayor of Brigham City), Christopher Laton (later Layton, Utah), William Jennings (Mormon Battalion, later Bishop of Kaysville, director of Z.C.M.I.) This is significant only inasmuch as it explains why both the Harmans and the Evanses, when they reached Utah, settled in Davis County. It is possible that Jonathan Benner Evans met Josephine Smithson Harman in Carson Valley when Zacharias Cheney (another Mormon Battalion member) and Amanda Miller Evans Cheney with her mother and siblings, left San Francisco for Utah in 1857. They left Carson Valley in the company of families who had already established homes in Davis County.
In 1859, after the marriages of her three oldest daughters, she returned to Utah, where she bought land in Centerville, Davis County, and homesteaded until her death in 1897. She made several trips to Nevada and California to visit her daughters there. On one occasion she visited the Winters family at Knights Landing, California, where she arranged to have fruit and nut trees, grapes, and a variety of other plants shipped from the Winters farm to her home in Centerville.
She appears in the Census for June, 1880, Centerville Precinct, Davis County, Utah, living in the household of her daughter and son-in-law, Jonathan Benner Evans. She is 71 years old. She is listed as a weaver.
She died in 1897 a few weeks short of age 90. Two of her daughters, Paralee and Sarah Elizabeth preceeded her.
Petition filed in Administration of her estate, April 16, 1901
More About James Harman and Mary Smithson:
Marriage: December 25, 1828, Pendleton, Anderson, So. Carolina
Children of James Harman and Mary Smithson are:
+ 34 i. Mary Eliza7 Harman, born April 03, 1830 in Pendleton, Anderson, So. Carolina; died March 09, 1913 in Carson City, Nevada.
+ 35 ii. Paralee America Harman, born July 14, 1835 in Aberdeen, Monroe Co., Mississippi; died July 18, 1875 in Richville, Morgan Co., Utah.
+ 36 iii. James Bartley Harman, born 1840 in Aberdeen, Monroe Co., Mississippi; died 1913.
+ 37 iv. Sarah Elizabeth Harman, born August 18, 1841 in Aberdeen, Monroe Co., Mississippi; died October 15, 1888 in Fresno, California.
+ 38 v. Josephine Smithson Harman, born March 16, 1845 in Monroe Co., Mississippi USA; died October 13, 1927 in Centerville, Utah, USA.
39 vi. John Taylor Harman, born April 06, 1847 in Pueblo Colorado; died March 01, 1926. He married Susan Chesley White December 04, 1882 in Centerville, Davis Co.,Utah; born Unknown in Clympine, Sussex, England; died Unknown.
Notes for Susan Chesley White:
Biographical information on her brother, Charles shows spelling of Chessell, not Chesley. See Centerville, City in Between, Pub. 1989. Biographical information on her brother-in-law, Isaac Mills shows her sister as Charlotte Chessell White. pg. 325. Biography of Henry Isaac Mills states she came as an orphan with Isaac, sisters Charlotte Mills, and another sister, to United States aboard the Nevada, from Liverpool, on July 26, 1871, as part of a group of 93 Mormon converts under the direction of Lot Smith. Arrived in Salt Lake City August 16, 1871. Isaac's brother Richard and sister Frances had preceded them to Centerville, where they ended their voyage.
More About John Harman and Susan White:
Marriage: December 04, 1882, Centerville, Davis Co.,Utah
26. Sarah Jane6 Harman (Stephen5, Israel4, Jacob3, Jacob2, Johan Michael1 Hermann) was born March 24, 1808 in Garrett, Meade Co., Ky, and died May 30, 1888 in Kanab, Kane County, Utah. She married William Crosby March 04, 1832 in Monroe Co., Mississippi, son of John Crosby and Elizabeth Coleman. He was born September 19, 1808 in Knox Couty, Indiana, and died October 05, 1882 in Kanab, Kane County, Utah.
More About William Crosby and Sarah Harman:
Marriage: March 04, 1832, Monroe Co., Mississippi
Children of Sarah Harman and William Crosby are:
40 i. William7 Crosby, born Abt. 1833; died Abt. 1843.
+ 41 ii. John Taylor Crosby, born September 25, 1836 in Athens, Monroe Co., Mississippi; died July 23, 1914 in Kanab, Kane County, Utah.
27. Stephen A.6 Harman (Stephen5, Israel4, Jacob3, Jacob2, Johan Michael1 Hermann) was born July 23, 1815 in Tennessee, and died Aft. 1869. He married Margaret McKeown 1847 in Monroe County, Mississippi, daughter of Bill McKeown and Lucy Lockhart. She was born April 11, 1826 in Monroe County, Mississippi, and died Unknown.
More About Stephen Harman and Margaret McKeown:
Marriage: 1847, Monroe County, Mississippi
Children of Stephen Harman and Margaret McKeown are:
+ 42 i. James7 Harman, born 1848 in Monroe County, Mississippi; died 1929.
+ 43 ii. Francis Harman, born 1851 in Monroe County, Mississippi; died Unknown.
44 iii. Lucy Jane Harman, born October 11, 1853; died Unknown. She married Robert Barney Patterson November 29, 1874 in Itawamba Co., Mississippi; died Unknown.
More About Robert Patterson and Lucy Harman:
Marriage: November 29, 1874, Itawamba Co., Mississippi
+ 45 iv. Martha Harman, born 1857; died Unknown.
46 v. Israel Harman, born 1859 in Mississippi; died Unknown.
Notes for Israel Harman:
Known as "ID". Never married
+ 47 vi. Lovice L. Harman, born 1861 in Mississippi; died Unknown.
+ 48 vii. Stephen Harman, born October 20, 1862 in Itawamba Co., Mississippi; died July 1930 in Smithville, Mississippi.
+ 49 viii. George Washington Harman, born June 13, 1865 in Mississippi; died 1939.
+ 50 ix. Bartilla Sara Harman, born February 20, 1869 in Mississippi; died April 29, 1942 in Eldorado, Texas.
28. Jane6 Harman (Stephen5, Israel4, Jacob3, Jacob2, Johan Michael1 Hermann) was born April 01, 1800 in Kentucky, and died August 03, 1854 in Monroe County, Mississippi. She married Richard Dilworth July 02, 1820 in Probably Marion Co., Alabama, son of George Dilworth and Mary Parchman. He was born 1796 in South Carolina, and died 1853 in Monroe County, Mississippi.
Notes for Jane Harman:
Following the death of her husband, Judge Richard Dilworth, the health of Jane Harman Dilworth failed rapidly. She required the medical attention of Dr. Ira G. Broyles and Dr. T.T. Armstrong frequently throughout the first seven months of the year 1854. The official death records indicate that Jane Harman Dilworth, the widow of Richard Dilworth, Pioneer, died at her home just North of the town of Quincy on August 3, 1854. Clothed in a white silk dress and white gloves, she was buried in one of the finest caskets available in that day and time, furnished by one W.G.W. Tyler at a cost of $85.00. The Probate Court appointed James Thompson Dilworth as the administrator of his mother's Estate in September of 1854. The children of Richard and Jane Harman Dilworth fell into a dispute among themselves over the administration and distribution of the assets of their estates. The lawsuit was taken all the way to the Mississippi Supreme Court (High Court of Errors and Appeals), being finally settled in 1859.
Notes for Richard Dilworth:
Judge Richard Dilworth homestead was near the Buttahatchie River, approximately 2 miles south of the town of Quincy, adjoining the lands of his father, George. He was appointed to the court by the Governor of Mississippi, in October, 1823, to succeed his father, George, who had resigned the post. At the time of his death he was possessed of 1297 acres, sixteen slaves and substantial personal property. Six Hundred and fifty acres were awarded Jane Harman Dilworth, the widow, as her dower. The remainder was sold at public auction, as ordered by the court, on Monday, January 15, 1855. Subsequently, Stephen D. Dilworth and his wife, Nancy, came into ownership of the large plantation that was located in the immediate vicinity of present-day Becker, Mississippi.
More About Richard Dilworth and Jane Harman:
Marriage: July 02, 1820, Probably Marion Co., Alabama
Children of Jane Harman and Richard Dilworth are:
+ 51 i. Stephen Decatur7 Dilworth, born February 08, 1824 in Monroe Co., Mississippi; died 1865 in Monroe Co., Mississippi.
+ 52 ii. James Thompson Dilworth, born December 07, 1825 in Monroe County, Mississippi; died January 28, 1891 in Monroe County, Mississippi.
53 iii. Richard T. Dilworth, born August 28, 1830 in Monroe county, Mississippi; died Bet. 1831 - 1920. He married Mary M. Lindsay October 30, 1851 in Monroe County, Mississippi; born 1834 in Alabama; died Unknown.
Notes for Richard T. Dilworth:
Moved from Monroe County prior to 1860.
More About Richard Dilworth and Mary Lindsay:
Marriage: October 30, 1851, Monroe County, Mississippi
54 iv. Lucy L. Dilworth, born 1835 in Monroe County, Mississippi; died Bet. 1847 - 1927. She married William C. Beauregard January 23, 1851 in Monroe County, Mississippi; born 1824 in Monroe Co., Mississippi; died 1879 in Prairie Co., Arkansas.
Notes for Lucy L. Dilworth:
Was in Marshall County, 1855
Was in Arkansas, 1859
More About William Beauregard and Lucy Dilworth:
Marriage: January 23, 1851, Monroe County, Mississippi
55 v. Sarah Elizabeth Dilworth, born Abt. 1835 in Monroe County, Mississippi; died Bet. 1849 - 1929. She married George W. Foshee November 30, 1853 in Monroe County, Mississippi; born 1826 in North Carolina; died Unknown.
Notes for George W. Foshee:
He was working as an overseer and living in the home of Thomas Greenwood in the year 1850. George W. Foshee and Sarah Elizabeth moved from Monroe County, possibly to Chickasaw County, Mississippi, prior to 1860.
Marriage Notes for Sarah Dilworth and George Foshee:
Jane Harman Dilworth, mother of Sarah Elizabeth, filed her written consent to this mariage with the Clerk of the Probate Court.
More About George Foshee and Sarah Dilworth:
Marriage: November 30, 1853, Monroe County, Mississippi
+ 56 vi. Emily Dilworth, born Abt. 1837 in Monroe County, Mississippi; died Aft. April 01, 1914 in Monroe Co., Mississippi.
+ 57 vii. George H. Dilworth, born April 19, 1821 in Monroe County, Mississippi; died Bet. 1861 - 1865.
58 viii. Eliza Caroline Dilworth, born August 26, 1823 in Monroe County, Mississippi; died Bet. 1852 - 1917 in Monroe Co., Mississippi. She married John Anderson Thompson March 05, 1844 in Monroe County, Mississippi; born 1812 in Maury Co., Tennessee; died Unknown.
More About John Thompson and Eliza Dilworth:
Marriage: March 05, 1844, Monroe County, Mississippi
59 ix. Mary Elvira Dilworth, born November 01, 1827 in Monroe County, Mississippi; died 1856. She married Samuel E. Thompson February 27, 1845 in Monroe County, Mississippi; born 1824 in Maury Co.,Tennessee; died June 02, 1863 in Gate City, Hospital, Atlanta, Ga..
Notes for Mary Elvira Dilworth:
aka "Polly"
More About Samuel Thompson and Mary Dilworth:
Marriage: February 27, 1845, Monroe County, Mississippi
29. Elizabeth6 Harman (Stephen5, Israel4, Jacob3, Jacob2, Johan Michael1 Hermann) was born May 29, 1810 in Tennessee, and died Unknown. She married (1) John S. Porter. He died Bef. January 30, 1851. She married (2) William McKee Bef. June 1854. He died Unknown.
Notes for Elizabeth Harman:
Removed to Pickens County, Alabama, after her marriage to William McKee
More About William McKee and Elizabeth Harman:
Marriage: Bef. June 1854
Children of Elizabeth Harman and John Porter are:
60 i. Daniel W.7 Porter, born Abt. 1827; died Unknown. He married Martha Elizabeth Parchman March 02, 1853 in Monroe County, Mississippi; born 1837; died Unknown.
Marriage Notes for Daniel Porter and Martha Parchman:
Yes, these two were first cousins
More About Daniel Porter and Martha Parchman:
Marriage: March 02, 1853, Monroe County, Mississippi
61 ii. Sarah Porter, born 1840 in Texas; died Unknown.
62 iii. Rowena Porter, born 1844 in Texas; died Unknown.
63 iv. Columbis Porter, born 1845 in Texas; died Unknown.
30. Mary C.6 Harman (Stephen5, Israel4, Jacob3, Jacob2, Johan Michael1 Hermann) was born 1807 in Kentucky, and died Unknown. She married William Parchman December 09, 1835 in Monroe County, Mississippi, son of John Parchman and Martha. He was born 1810 in Tennessee, and died Unknown.
Marriage Notes for Mary Harman and William Parchman:
William Parchman and A. Elkin signed the marriage license records. A.J. Davis, a Minister of the Gospel, performed the ceremony.
More About William Parchman and Mary Harman:
Marriage: December 09, 1835, Monroe County, Mississippi
Children of Mary Harman and William Parchman are:
64 i. Martha Elizabeth7 Parchman, born 1837; died Unknown. She married Daniel W. Porter March 02, 1853 in Monroe County, Mississippi; born Abt. 1827; died Unknown.
Marriage Notes for Martha Parchman and Daniel Porter:
Yes, these two were first cousins
More About Daniel Porter and Martha Parchman:
Marriage: March 02, 1853, Monroe County, Mississippi
65 ii. Stephen H. Parchman, born Abt. 1838 in Mississippi; died Unknown.
66 iii. John J. Parchman, born Abt. 1839 in Monroe Co., Mississippi; died Unknown.
67 iv. Lucy Parchman, born Abt. 1842 in Monroe Co., Mississippi; died Unknown.
68 v. Mary A. Parchman, born Abt. 1844 in Monroe Co., Mississippi; died Unknown.
69 vi. Elvira C, Parchman, born Abt. 1845 in Monroe Co., Mississippi; died Unknown.
70 vii. William Parchman, born Abt. 1848 in Monroe Co., Mississippi; died Unknown.
32. Israel6 Harman (Stephen5, Israel4, Jacob3, Jacob2, Johan Michael1 Hermann) was born December 12, 1805, and died Bef. 1857 in Desha County, Arkansas.
Child of Israel Harman is:
71 i. Lucinda7 Harman, born Unknown; died Unknown.